We promised you sneak peeks at our Collection shoots. And here’s the first one – our AW collection was shot under this winter’s surreal, pandemic conditions. For the first time, we had to forgo the wonders of India or Africa: the intoxicating scents; the riot of colours; and our usual props and walk-on bit players – goats, camels or elephants.
But, actually, it was no less magical and inspiring. Just three hours away from the city, we set up camp, to shoot our very special Thabo Collection.
The whole theme of our AW collection was to infuse us all with some much-needed joy and happiness in these uncertain times. We felt we all needed a boost of energizing bright colours, quirky mix and matches and new ways of looking at familiar items. And our Thabo Collection ticks all the boxes.
After the usual last-minute rush, we were on our way, tightly packed into several cars, with models, photographers, cameras, props, food and snacks - and our lovely Thabo collection. We left at 5 a.m. on a dark winter morning, weighed down by a leaden sky and, soon, driving under pouring rain. Suddenly, the sky cleared, and we were there.
Tumbling gratefully out of our cars, we were mesmerized by the peace and quiet, the dazzling cold winter light, the smell of evergreen pines and the prickling cacti outlined against the sky. Shades of contemporary Arizona or Mexico.
Our location was the perfect backdrop: a deceptively simple, very sophisticated gem of a house amidst the rolling plains of Alentejo, in Southern Portugal. Beautiful clear, clean lines; freshly whitewashed walls and the timeless beauty of those rolling plains.
The usual last-minute hitches occurred and were dealt with – this time the person who was to have ironed all our kimonos was taken suddenly ill, and a replacement had to be found in record time. Maria, a local laundrywoman, did an amazing job and literally saved the day.
Yes, the bright colours certainly cheer us up and make us feel tinglingly alive. Of course, our luxurious silky Atelier Collection pyjamas are ideal for seriously stylish lounging. And their bright colours were perfectly offset by the houses’s stark white walls. And our two lovely models – one from Finland and one from Angola – were the perfect choice for this contrasting, colourful collection. Plus, they were funny and creative and just made the whole photoshoot that much easier.
But our location did much more than that: its serenity and dimension calmed our anxieties, gave us a sense of perspective and soothed our souls.
We’ve made a selection of some behind-the-scenes photos to share these wonderful moments with you.